Ivan Tosco
Attorney, of counsel
Attorney at the Turin Bar Association, Ivan Tosco presides over LawaL’s Privacy and Data protection area, holding and supporting the role of Data Protection Officer in public and private companies. He provides consultancy on commercial and corporate law, in the international arena, with particular reference to the technology and pharmaceutical sectors.
He served as General Counsel of the broadband branch of the Eutelsat Group (ETL:Euronext), satellite telecommunications.
PhD in international law (European Union law) from the University of Milan ‘Statale’, specialisation diploma in tax law, specialisation diploma for Data Protection Officer (University of Turin) member of the Piedmont Tax Chamber, and promoting member of Federprivacy and member of the Italian Society of Pharmaceutical Medicine, he teaches Data Protection and Cybersecurity at regional training institutions

- International Law
- Privacy
- Data protection
- Pharma